This is a group of Forge World Elysians that I murdered with old GW paint. These gents are a combination of FW resin and GW plastic put together with model super glue, painted with GW paint with minor green stuff work. With my recent obsession with Necromunda/Kill Team I figure I can do something really cool with them, but first I have to try and salvage what I can. I have stripped paint in the past, but it has been 10+ years and I probably had no clue what I was doing (not that I do now). So lets try it out. My stripper tonight will be the simply beautiful, Simple Green.
I have heard that SG is a pretty bad idea to use on Games Workshop Finecast miniatures but should be fine for FW resin. I know I used GW paints back then but have no clue what I primed them with, here's to hoping that it wasn't anything that bonded with the resin. Also I am interested if the SG will do anything to the little bit of GS they have on them. Lets find out!
The bits are now submerged and I have acquired a few toothbrushes from my kids' bathroom. I will leave them in at least 24 hours but likely longer than that. It just depends on how much hobby time I will have before the weekend. So stay tuned for the catastrophic results.
To reference my comment earlier about my IG project from long, long ago; when I got home from my vacation and could relax a bit I had Elysians on the brain so I googled them and I stumbled upon pictures of MY Elysians! Those pictures led me back to an old P&M thread I had on Dakkadakka (does anyone even use Dakka anymore?!?!)! It was all so surreal! The post was from October 2009, exactly 9 years ago. I had forgot about most of the project and that I had WIP thread. In the thread I found my plans for the project at the time.
So that is what I have brewing at the moment and a brief bit of the past, what lies ahead in the immediate future? A few things actually:
- Removing the bits from SG and scrubbing them
- Receiving Blue Stuff instant mold and Epo Putty in the post (that will allow me to cast my own bits and save a noted bits junkie some money)
- Receiving 12 paints in the post (that will allow me to paint human flesh, GSC flesh, IG fatigues and my Atlas-Class Ferrojack)
- Working on two fluff posts (more communicae and a story of a Spyrer)
- Unboxing for some new miniatures that are in the post
- Constructing a light box (progress so far)
Check back for the lessons I learned from stripping minis with Simple Green ...
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