Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Stripping with Simple Green

I mentioned that I recently took a vacation, well during that time I visited family and picked up some minis/bits that I had stored. Most of them were from an old Imperial Guard project from long long ago (more on that in a bit), but there were also some cultists from the old Dark Vengeance box set. 

This is a group of Forge World Elysians that I murdered with old GW paint. These gents are a combination of FW resin and GW plastic put together with model super glue, painted with GW paint with minor green stuff work. With my recent obsession with Necromunda/Kill Team I figure I can do something really cool with them, but first I have to try and salvage what I can. I have stripped paint in the past, but it has been 10+ years and I probably had no clue what I was doing (not that I do now). So lets try it out. My stripper tonight will be the simply beautiful, Simple Green.

I have heard that SG is a pretty bad idea to use on Games Workshop Finecast miniatures but should be fine for FW resin. I know I used GW paints back then but have no clue what I primed them with, here's to hoping that it wasn't anything that bonded with the resin. Also I am interested if the SG will do anything to the little bit of GS they have on them. Lets find out!

The bits are now submerged and I have acquired a few toothbrushes from my kids' bathroom. I will leave them in at least 24 hours but likely longer than that. It just depends on how much hobby time I will have before the weekend. So stay tuned for the catastrophic results.

To reference my comment earlier about my IG project from long, long ago; when I got home from my vacation and could relax a bit I had Elysians on the brain so I googled them and I stumbled upon pictures of MY Elysians! Those pictures led me back to an old P&M thread I had on Dakkadakka (does anyone even use Dakka anymore?!?!)! It was all so surreal! The post was from October 2009, exactly 9 years ago. I had forgot about most of the project and that I had WIP thread. In the thread I found my plans for the project at the time.

I was pretty ambitious at the time and I didn't have a wife or kids so I probably could have afforded it! I had completely forgotten about the details of this project and was pretty shocked at how closely it matches some of my plans for my current Necromundan Spiders project. Eerily similar. Here is a link to the thread if you are interested https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/260340.page

So that is what I have brewing at the moment and a brief bit of the past, what lies ahead in the immediate future? A few things actually:
- Removing the bits from SG and scrubbing them
- Receiving Blue Stuff instant mold and Epo Putty in the post (that will allow me to cast my own bits and save a noted bits junkie some money)
- Receiving 12 paints in the post (that will allow me to paint human flesh, GSC flesh, IG fatigues and my Atlas-Class Ferrojack)
- Working on two fluff posts (more communicae and a story of a Spyrer)
- Unboxing for some new miniatures that are in the post
- Constructing a light box (progress so far)

 Check back for the lessons I learned from stripping minis with Simple Green ...

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