This is the original Imperial Guard box from the Rogue Trader days. It came with 36 Guardsmen to a box. It was one of the first multi-part plastic kits. Why is this kit relevant to my project?
This is an action shot of the F Company of the Necromundan 9th Regiment. In the foreground is the Command Squad (you can tell by the yellow helmet stripe) of the commander in the gold breast plate on the far left. In the middle ground are Support Squads (blue helmet stripe) of the 2nd Platoon, represented by the bi-split banner.
This is the uniform Necromundan Imperial Guard, and according to the picture the Arcadian Imperial Guard. The 5 on the chest badge denotes the 5th Regiment, the bi-split colors signify 2nd Platoon and the A on his shoulder pad represents being a part of A company. The red helmet stripe shows that he is a member of a tactical squad. This states that Arcadia is a Hive World and references the Cult of the Spider, coincidentally the Necromundan 8th Regiment, commonly known as "The Spiders," wears the exact same uniform and and spider tattoos. The 8th Regiment recruit exclusively from the Spider Clan of Hive Palantine on Necromunda and are the acting Planetary Defense Force (PDF).
This a beautiful representation of the metal models that accompanied the plastic box set. Like in the art above, the gold breast plates represent officers and their command squads. The guardsmen in the bottom left represent Penal Legion. And yes, the guardsman in the middle is a suicide bomber, I don't think that made it into 2nd edition.
My Guard will be Echo Company 2nd Platoon of Necromundan 8th Regiment. I plan to do a full Veteran Tactical Squad, and then a few representatives of Echo Company Command Squad, 2nd Platoon Command Squad and an Infantry Tactical Squad.
I have a started collecting the bits for this project and will alternate between this and my Genestealer Cult. Coming soon there will be posts about; testing more painting techniques (when I receive my paints in the post) for my GSC, painting the Sector Mechanicus molded bases from GW (also in the post) and fluff for my GSC. I will leave you with the full art for the magazine spread above.
Are those Titans ...